Precision-Medicine Project

The state of California is launching a US$3-million precision-medicine project. The effort, announced on 14 April, will draw on vast amounts of data from basic research, medical records and other information to develop more-targeted therapies and diagnostics and inform decisions about individual patient care”.

Immediate challenges to precision medicine include funding (which the President is clearly trying to resolve), acquiring enough data to make meaningful diagnoses and to create accurate sets of subpopulations, data analysis, and ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information. Given the tremendous benefits to be had, it’s a safe bet that we’ll overcome many of these hurdles.

Although our understanding of the pathogenesis of systematic diseases has advanced enormously in recent years, we have only just begun to successfully translate this into improvements in the clinical management of patients, keeping though in mind if we are dealing honestly with “Real” patients” in “Real” life!!!  

PKNM Solutions with its expertize and know-how will focus intensively during the next 5 years, on the advancement of Precise Medicine, worldwide with the collaboration and integration of Academia, Independent Institutions, Organizations and Industry.

Which way are we conceptualizing “Real” disease – and the way we think about developing “Real” cures?”