From a research idea and developmental concept of innovation to the applied precise implementation of the “End-Product” to the “End-User”
PKNM Solutions is an internationally recognized consulting company for research, development and innovation projects. We provide a synthesis of complementary services necessary for identifying, originating, preparing, implementing and handling successful international research, development and innovation projects.
PKNM Solutions enhances and promotes excellent research and development in Switzerland and Europe, for Academia, Independent Institutions, SMEs and Industry.
Getting an outline of all proposals needs certain expertise, specific and precise know-how and several years of experience in the field of research and development.
National Funding Schemes:
• The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
• The National Research Programmes (NRP)
• The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR)
• The Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
European Funding Schemes:
• HORIZON / H2020
• Other Initiatives and independent Calls of Action
Commitment, Experience and Know-How have been important to reach our goals and create a satisfactory environment for our clients. In the area of research and development funding, we identify the masked rules that have a significant importance for the success. Translational Analysis and Implementation of the “idea” to the real “working scenario” is our key advantage in this competitive field.
PKNM Solutions acts as your project officer or your strategic policy maker. However, we are quite often involved as a catalytic research partner. Long lasting experience, in different research projects has enabled us to become experts in our areas towards your needs: “From Bench to Bedside” as it is called in Personalized Medicine, nowadays.
To fulfill gaps of our clients’ complementary skills is one of our assets, by providing a proper and accurate training scheme. Whether it is project management, fund acquisition, strategic policy issues or self-marketing, PKNM Solutions can train your people on a real environment of competitiveness of the international environment.
We are focusing on National and International Competitive Research and Development Grants/Projects. From 2015, PKNM Solutions has created an exclusive Team of Experts focusing on the success in HORIZON – H2020 Funding Scheme by EU.
• Advocate the scientific coordinator in administrative issues in big consortiums
• Associate role in work packages
• Principal role in work packages
• Training contributor
• Research and Development partner.